
Just Got My Copy

Well, it's official, the new, revised version of The House That Cleans Itself has been released! It's always fun when a book comes out, especially that moment when it gets delivered to my door, fresh off the press. Here's the cover, which I think is a great update of the original:

I'm so glad to see folks entering my free book giveaway.  Keep those comments coming, because you can still enter for a few more days. See my last post, Enter to Win a Free Book from Mindy, for details.

Anyway, I just wanted to pop in to celebrate the fun of this new release. This is my 21st book, but that amazing feeling of holding it in my own hand for the first time never gets old. :)

Thanks for being a part of it!


Enter to Win a Free Book by Mindy

Greetings and welcome to The House That Cleans Itself blog. I'm so glad you're here! If you've been a reader before, or if you take the time now to peruse the archives, you'll see that I haven't been actively posting for a long while. I'll explain why in a sec, but first I wanted to let you know that I'm back and will be posting on a regular basis from here on out. I hope you find the information to be helpful!

Why the break? It's kind of a long story (which I'll probably share on here in the near future), but the bottom line is that in April of 2011 I suffered a brain injury and had to eliminate all but the most necessary computer tasks from my schedule. Now, more than a year and a half later, I'm still suffering from some lingering side effects of the injury, including daily headaches, but I am able to spend a bit more time on the computer than before. I've been wanting to take up blogging again, and now that the revised and updated version of The House That Cleans Itself has just been released, I thought it was the perfect time to jump back in with both feet.

To kick things off, I've decided to give away some books. One week from today, on February 1st, five entries will be chosen at random using a number generator. Winners can choose to receive ONE of the following:

The House That Cleans Itself (original version) 
The House That Cleans Itself (revised version) 
A Pocket Guide to Amish Life 
Under the Cajun Moon 
The Amish Midwife 

Here's all you need to do to enter:

 1. Answer one of the following questions in a comment to this blog:

What is the messiest area in your home right 
now--and why do you think it got that way? 


 If you win, which of the above books would 
you like to receive--and why?
2. Be sure to include your email address with your post.

3. One entry per person. Your comment must be posted by 11:59 pm on January 31st, 2013.

4. Winners will be notified via email and can then supply a mailing address for us to send the book.

I do hope you'll enter--and that you'll help spread the word that I'm back and posting again. I've got so many great ideas to share, and I bet you do too. Thanks so much for stopping by, and I'll see you again soon!

Mindy Starns Clark