
Ditch the Time Suckers!

Throughout your house look into replacing any items that need repeated 'fixing' to keep from looking messy. From couches with pillow backs to miniblinds that don't want to hang straight. As soon as you can, fix them or get rid of them. Life's too short and your time is too valuable to waste.

See page 120 in The House That Cleans Itself for more details on this great idea!


Ready...Set... Launch!

In our last entry we talked about setting up a launch area near the door that we use the most. This week we'll list some specific ideas.

1. If your entryway is in a less visible area, for example a mudroom, you may prefer to use open cubbies or clear bins. This way everyone can see their items.

2. If you need to easily see the items you're supposed to take with you , try setting up a launching pad in a jelly cabinet. Everyone can have their own shelf. And you can apply adhesive cork to the inside of the door so that extra reminders can be pinned there like a bulletin board. If company comes a knockin', all you have to do is shut the door and your entryway instantly looks neat!

Enjoy your day!