These books would be smaller (and less expensive) than the original, offering practical suggestions and solutions on a more specific basis. For example, The House that Cleans Itself for the Kitchen might deal with how to handle the following:
- counter clutter
- cabinet organization
- food storage
- piles of papers
- homework at the kitchen table
- the kitchen that also serves as an entryway
- items that migrate there from other rooms
- trash and recycling
- large appliances
- small appliances
- bulletin boards/refrigerator magnets
-and more.
And The House that Cleans Itself for Newlyweds might discuss what to do about:
- too much furniture
- not enough furniture
- geegaws, keepsakes, and mementoes
- compromise and negotiation
- learning to live with each other's cleaning styles
- dividing the household chores
- setting up stations
- how to share a bathroom
- organizing hobby areas
- when there's not enough closet space
- how to acquire new furniture and other items the House That Cleans Itself way
-and more.
Given the above, I'm trying to decide what rooms, areas, or categories these various books should focus on. Thus far, I've been thinking about:
The House that Cleans Itself for the Kitchen
The House that Cleans Itself for the Bathroom
The House that Cleans Itself for the Bedroom
The House that Cleans Itself for the Garage
The House that Cleans Itself for the Living Room
The House that Cleans Itself for Newlyweds
The House that Cleans Itself for Families with Kids
The House that Cleans Itself for Teens
Which of the above most appeals to you? Please let me know in one of three ways:
1. post your favorite(s) as a comment to this blog
2. email your favorite(s) to me at
3. go to and cast your vote in the official poll.
If you can think of even more great ideas for books in this series that aren't listed here or in the poll, please post or email as well. I also welcome requests for specific problem areas that you would like to see addressed in these books, such as how to keep under-the-sink cabinets organized or what to do when you have too many books/Legos/mail order catalogs/etc.
Thanks so much for your input!
And be sure to come back next time, when we continue with the current series on new housekeeping technologies.